Master a Master’s Degree

Aaron Webb
6 min readOct 19, 2022

Congratulations! You’re studying for a Postgraduate degree or even looking to start a course soon.

If so, whether in person or online, I’m sharing tips that will hopefully provide a level of guidance and a cheat sheet to becoming a master in the academic world.

1. Plan!

Planning your degree is crucial for any success.

If you’re someone who goes with the flow and believes they can ‘fudge’ their way through the duration of the studying — I’ll recommend you change this approach. Otherwise, you may want to rethink your financial commitment and return on investment.

If you’re someone who structures every aspect of your life down to the nth degree with a control freak syndrome — Apply this mindset with added management.

Below is a snapshot from the spreadsheet I used religiously to track every aspect of my degree. Several classmates asked for a copy when they saw me updating it during classes, which looking back, I should have charged a small fee.

Be meticulous in filing away lecture notes. Create folders for every subject, every chapter, and every assignment. Finalise…



Aaron Webb
Aaron Webb

Written by Aaron Webb

Aussie | Sponsored Triathlete | Master's Degree in Cyber Security | Founder of👋

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