I won my first race!

Aaron Webb
6 min readSep 12, 2023
Photo by Victoire Joncheray on Unsplash

A bucket list item since I started taking fitness and endurance competitions seriously was to win a race. It didn't matter where, what distance, or how. To cross the line first in front of every other athlete was all that mattered.

On the 26th of August 2023, I achieved that goal — A 5km Parkrun.

I was in England for 2 weeks seeing friends and family after an extensive period of avoiding the long-haul flight from Australia.

On the 3rd day of my trip, I woke up to a sunny Saturday morning and decided to take part in the local 5km Parkrun due to start at 9 am.

After one too many beers the night before catching up with friends I needed a) water b) coffee and c) food (if manageable).

Then at 8:58 am I looked at my Garmin and thought ‘Oh Bugger!’ I’m going to miss the start.

So I quickly laced up my trainers and sprinted down the road to the field where I found a large group of people who looked ready for a 5km run.

10 seconds later the organiser shouted 3, 2, 1, GO!

I crossed the line 18 minutes and 46 seconds later and was handed the #1 Token.

On the walk home, I thought how did I manage that? After years of trying to win a race where my fitness was much higher, I wasn’t hungover, jetlagged and followed a…



Aaron Webb

Aussie | Sponsored Triathlete | Master's Degree in Cyber Security | Founder of LearnOnChain.io👋