How I dropped my weight 8%

Aaron Webb
6 min readFeb 11, 2022

For years I was hovering around the 85kg weight at 6ft2in.

In order to get lean, I dipped into countless diets, training regimes, dos & don’ts from ‘experts' with no success. Tracked calories religiously. Prepared meals. Took heaps of fat burner supplements. Tried a vegan diet, keto, sugar-free, this free, no that, etc.

I saw short-term benefit from doing ‘X Plan' but after a few weeks, I would jump back on the scales and be back to where I started.

Then I just started acting normal.

Let me explain

The Romans, Greek Gladiators, & our super ripped ancestors didn’t weigh out kale on a Sunday or spend $100 on fat-free organic superfoods from their local health food shop.

Then moved, ran, swam, climbed, walked & ate to fuel these activities.

They were not lying on the sofa, wishing they had a flat stomach whilst going down rabbit holes on the latest trend to lose weight. Nor were they weighing themselves & freaking out if their % body fat increased by 0.01%

Yes, you can shred a few pounds very quickly. Actors, boxers, and models follow these instant win steps.

Hugh Jackman didn’t drink for 36hours before a shoot in Les Miserable to look super lean.

Boxers and UFO fighters would sit in a sauna for hours without drinking any water afterward to get under the weight limit.



Aaron Webb

Aussie | Sponsored Triathlete | Master's Degree in Cyber Security | Founder of👋