Aaron Webb
5 min readAug 4, 2021


4 Steps to Achieve more Each Day

“I’m at capacity.”

“I’m under the pump.”

“I have no more bandwidth.”

You’ve no doubt heard one of these comments from a colleague or even said one today.

When someone says to me, ‘Aaron! I’m at capacity and have no time to do anything else.” I think, what does that even mean?

But then I think, are you really at capacity? Or, are you just lacking in focus and time management. If you’re 100% under the pump, then you would have no time to check social media, meet friends for coffee, or drink the recommended eight glasses of water per day.

It’s the same mindset when it comes to running. You ask anyone who completes a marathon, and they’ll say, “I gave it everything. I had nothing left”. Ok, fair enough. But, if you gave 100% and pushed your body to the limit, you’ll be in the hospital. It’s the mind that stopped you from going faster. By tuning the brain to relax once you reach a perceived limit and continue, it’ll then learn to adapt, then while you’re fast asleep, it will recall, we didn’t die when we pushed that little bit more and therefore raised the bar an inch higher.

In 6, 12, 18 months, you’ll look back and think, “Wow! I once thought I was swamped and had no spare time when I was just doing A, B, C”. “But, now I’m doing A, B, C…



Aaron Webb

Aussie | Sponsored Triathlete | Master's Degree in Cyber Security | Founder of LearnOnChain.io👋